Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Giveaway?! Part Two: The Plot Thickens *closed*

Hi Lovlies! Sorry I've been pretty MIA, but, I've come back to announce my second giveaway of my three part giveaway!  If you will notice, the prizes have increased and multiplied! So enter away, there's nothing you could loose and if you do win, you could receive:
3 elf lipsticks
2 fake eyelash sets (blue and feather-y)
1 mascara
1 elf brush set
10 lip glosses
1 elf 100 shadow palette
1 harajuku lovers makeup bag
2 tokidoki pencil eyeliners
**hmm...the tokidoki eyeliners could be a hint of what's to come...* 

SOOOOO, to win these lovely items and increase your chances of winning you must:
*closed, sorry loves*

FOLLOW MY BLOG PUBLICLY via GFC (required, obvi)
follow my Twitter (+3 entries)
post my giveaway on your Twitter: "Check out Lipstick Makes the Girl's 2nd Fabulous Giveaway at http://lipstickmakesthegirl.blogspot.com @skylarlucy1"(+2 entries)
like my Facebook page: Lipstick Makes the Girl (+2 entries)
Post my giveaway on your blog (+2 entries)
Post my giveaway on your sidebar (+3 entries)
List my blog as one of your favorites on your blog (+4 entries)

Once you have done one or all of the above, be sure to COMMENT ON THIS POST with your GFC name, your e-mail address, and any links to Twitter or promotions on your blog, etc.

The winner will be randomly selected on August 25th, 2011

The contest is open internationally as well as domestically and all that jazz.
Well, thank you for making this giveaway possible and good luck, break a leg, and be sure to spread the word :)


  1. gfc: marla
    email: marlaandmakeup@gmail.com
    twitter: marlaandmakeup
    RT: http://twitter.com/#!/MarlaAndMakeup/status/100833556569407488
    FACEBOOK: marla ramirez

  2. Enter me, please! Thank you! :)

    Name/GFC: Rachel Villanueva
    Email: racheltvillanueva at yahoo dot com
    Twitter: followed you as outdoor_kitty
    Link: http://twitter.com/#!/outdoor_kitty/status/100837946969690112
    FB: liked your page as Rachel Villanueva

  3. so many pretty things. thanks for being awesome girl <3
    FB- hermelinda valentine doniaz
    email- colorfulobsessions@yahoo.com
    GFC- hermelinda valentine
    twitter- hXc_hermys
    tweet- Check out Lipstick Makes the Girl's 2nd Fabulous Giveaway at http://lipstickmakesthegirl.blogspot.com @skylarlucy1

    thanks again lovey

  4. GFC: Sweet As Honey Blog
    Email: sweetashoneyblog@gmail.com
    Twitter: @FrenchGirl20
    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/FrenchGirl20/status/101025978372980736
    FB Name: Sweet As Honey Blog

  5. ayeayeaye. Lovely. I posted about it on my bloggy but I don't want to enter other than my +1 entry from the last giveaway =]
    Suuuure I'd love to win again, but I want someone else to have a chance =]

  6. Following your blog via GFC: preciouspearl
    email: preciouspearlmakeup@gmail.com

    following on Twitter via pearlmakeup

    posted giveaway on Twitter
    Tweeted Link:https://twitter.com/#!/pearlmakeup/status/101027040618217472

    Liked your FB page via precious pearl

  7. Followed you via GFC: rhaindropz
    email: rescueta@gmail.com

    twitter: @rhaindropz
    RT: http://twitter.com/#!/rhaindropz/status/101155000385933313

    FACEBOOK: Rhai Chael
    Blog Sidebar: http://rhaichael.blogspot.com/

    keep on posting sweetie!!!

  8. thanks for this awesome giveaway! :)

    GFC: Issa
    Email: NMChavez@bayan.com.ph
    twitter: Issachavez14
    tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Issachavez14/status/101275753244659712
    facebook: Issa Chavez

  9. GFC: 11ghieszelle07
    email: gizzele_11@yahoo.com
    FB: Gizzele Alfonso
    Blog post: http://11ghieszelle07.blogspot.com/2011/08/lipstickmakesthegirls-part-two-giveaway.html
    Blog side bar: http://www.11ghieszelle07.blogspot.com/

  10. Gfc - Espiral
    email: sonia_filipa_rito@yahoo.com.br
    fb- Sónia Filipa Rito Teixeira
    twitter: Filainos (i retweet)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. GFC: Kei
    email: keisanpablo@gmail.com
    Retweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/keisanpablo/status/101950950549360640
    Liked in Facebook: Kei San Pablo

  14. :D awesome
    GFC: darkwingslady
    email: darkwingslady (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. GFC: Ruth
    Email: ruth.gistelinck@hotmail.com

    I follow you on Twitter: RuthGBCN
    I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/RuthGBCN/status/102513028636999680

    I like your FB page: Ruth Gistelinck


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Joined the 1st part
    GFC: MissGennD
    Twitter: MissGennD 3pts
    Tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/MissGennD/status/103074944837095424 2pts
    FB: Liked your page under Genevieve Delizo 2pts
    Blog post: http://missgennd.blogspot.com/2011/08/lipstick-makes-girls-giveaway-part-ii.html 2pts
    Blog sidebar: http://missgennd.blogspot.com 3pts
    Blog roll: http://missgennd.blogspot.com 4pts

    Email Address: missgennd@yahoo.com
    Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!

  18. GFC: Meredith Jessica
    Email: Pigmentsandpalettes@gmail.com
    Twitter: PigmentPalettes
    Twitlink: http://twitter.com/#!/PigmentPalettes/status/103127001698807808
    And sidebar: http://pigmentsandpalettes.blogspot.com

    So 9 entries total!

  19. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    GFC: bluebonfires
    Email: xxdovey@aim.com
    Twitter: bluebonfires
    Facebook: Ashley at Bluebonfires
    Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/bluebonfires/status/103139043616894977

  20. GFC: Nolitoshy
    Email: nolitoshy@gmail.com
    Liked your Facebook page: Noelia M. Soto Isern
    Follow you on twitter: @nolitoshy
    Tweeted about the giveaway.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  21. GFC name: Klaudia.Erszebeth
    Follow on Twitter as: ErszebethDeRais
    Link to tweet: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/ErszebethDeRais/status/103276741707046914
    Liked on FB as: Klaudia Erszebet Henriquez DeRais
    Posted on sidebar: GlamourholicsAnonymous.blogspot.com
    Posted on Blog: GlamourholicsAnonymous.blogspot.com

    thanks so much for the giveaway(:

  22. Enter me please!

    GFC: Bec
    I follow you on twitter: @wednesdei
    Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/wednesdei/status/103750554148290560


  23. GFC: JDNN or Jade Anne
    Email: sweethestia@live.com
    Follow you on twitter: @sweethestia
    Tweeted about the giveaway.

  24. GFC: beautybehaved
    email: beautybehaved@gmail.com
    sidebar: beautybehaved.blogspot.com
    4 entries?

    thanks for the oppurtunity to win these amazing prizes!(: so generous.

  25. GFC: AteeNadj Nadj
    Email: nadjienadj@gmail.com
    Twitter: ateenadj
    Tweet link: http://twitter.com/#!/ateenadj/status/104089196087615488
    Facebook:AteeNadj Nadj

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. IS JOINING :)

    GFC : Ma. Rica Lising
    EMAIL ADD: clowie_ganda@yahoo.com
    TWITTER/RT : LaVerdad3027
    FB SHARED : http://www.facebook.com/rhica30


  28. Joining!

    GFC: Janinay
    Twitter: @janinegenious

    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/janinegenious/status/104086498814590976

    FB liker: Nin Mönster

    Sidebar: http://monsterprettyinthecity.blogspot.com/

    ninmonster at rocketmail dot com

    Thank you so much! :D

  29. Amazing giveaway!! Include me in too :)

    GFC : Pooja_G

    Email: beautybrainsbrawns@gmail.com

    follow on Twitter (+3 entries): http://twitter.com/#!/pooja_g

    tweet (+2 entries): http://twitter.com/#!/pooja_g/status/104871902945873920

    liked Facebook page(+2 entries): http://www.facebook.com/poojaganguly4u

    Post giveaway on your sidebar(left)(+3 entries): http://beautybrainsbrawns.blogspot.com/

    Total: 11 entries

    Hope to win!! Thanks!! :)

  30. Hi from Spain!!

    Enter me please ^_^

    GFC name: bambaki83
    Email: mimica69(at)hotmail(dot)com

    I follow u on twitter as @bambaki83 and I tweeted about your giveaway here: https://twitter.com/#!/bambaki83/status/105222994690981888

    I liked your facebook page as Miriam Rivas


  31. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.
    I'm following you through GFC.
    Here's my email:wyzzah@gmail.com

  32. Thanks for hosting this Awesome Giveaway!!! :)
    I follow under the name (GFC) Comme3pommes
    email: ohhhcomme3pommes (at) gmail (dot) com
    Following Twitter under the name (MinxHatesYou)

    Thanks :)

  33. enter me!

    GFC name: Alta Infante
    email: alta.infante@yahoo.com

    *I've liked your Fb page. (Fb name: Aletha Jane Infante)

    Sidebar: http://alta-infante.blogspot.com/

    Blog Post: http://alta-infante.blogspot.com/2011/08/another-giveaway-part-two-plot-thickens.html

  34. enter me please
    GFC: Elenita

  35. Ah well I guess I'll enter forrealsies
    GFC- Caitlin (agirlobsessed)
    email - agirlobessed@gmail.com
    *FB page has been liked =] - Caitlin Gust (Hennessey)
    favorite blog bar (forevers!)
    Blog posts (because I can't stop talking about you)
    original - http://multipleobsession.blogspot.com/2011/08/another-fantastic-giveaway-from.html
    brief mention -

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